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ASWF ProjectsBlog

Join us for Dev Days 2024 Next Month!

Have you always wanted to get involved in an Academy Software Foundation project, but didn’t know how or where to start? Or, have you been wanting to contribute to a project but haven’t had the time? 

If so, join us for our second annual Dev Days, taking place September 26-27, 2024! Developers of all experience levels are invited to participate in our two-day virtual hackathon, which helps individuals to make their first contribution to a project. You’ll choose a project to support and then pick a task that can be completed in one day. Maintainers and other experienced contributors for each project will be available to provide support and mentorship throughout the process.

Developers from anywhere and with any experience level are welcome. Past participants include software engineers and developers from companies such as ILM, Wētā FX, Sony Pictures Imageworks, Autodesk, and Walt Disney Studios. 

Here’s how it works: 

  1. Sign up here.
  2. Choose a project to support. Participating projects include OpenColorIO, MaterialX, OpenEXR, Open Shading Language, OpenImageIO, and OpenTimelineIO
  3. Choose one of the tasks/issues tagged by the project on GitHub to complete. 
  4. Authorize necessary project CLAs (Contributor License Agreements).
  5. Fork, build and familiarize yourself with the project.
  6. Spend at least one working day during Dev Days completing your task!

Have questions or need additional help? 

Join one of our Dev Days Office Hours sessions via Zoom. These drop-in sessions are open to anyone participating or interested in participating, including managers and participating projects. 

There will be three sessions focused around specific topics: 

  • Session One – September 9 at 4:00 pm PT: Picking a project, CLAs, and general participation questions. Meeting Link.
  • Session Two – September 16 at 10:00 am PT: Picking an issue and GitHub related questions. Meeting Link.
  • Session Three – September 23 at 4:00 pm PT: CMake and build environments. Meeting Link.

We also invite you to join the #devdays channel on the ASWF Slack. Project maintainers and experienced contributors are monitoring the channel and are available to answer any questions. 

Happy Coding!