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Behind the Screens

Aliza Carpio, Autodesk Behind the ScreensBlog

Aliza Carpio, Autodesk

Aliza Carpio Director, Tech Evangelist Autodesk Aliza Carpio is Director, technology evangelist at Autodesk, focused on building Autodesk’s tech story aligned with its brand and vision to enable everyone to create a better world designed and made for all. Prior to this role, she was tech evangelist and…
January 12, 2022
Simon Yuen, NVIDIA Behind the ScreensBlog

Simon Yuen, NVIDIA

Simon Yuen Director, Graphics and AI NVIDIA Tell us a bit about yourself – how did you get your start in visual effects and/or animation?  I was in my third year in college, majoring in Computer Science and minoring in Art and at that point, I was not quite sure…
Shannon Deoul
October 19, 2021