Tell us a bit about yourself – how did you get your start in visual effects and/or animation? As a kid, I was fascinated by Pixar’s Toy Story so I went to school to learn how to be a part of this industry. Initially, my goal was to become an…
Tell us a bit about yourself – how did you get your start in visual effects and/or animation? I saw Star Wars when I was twelve, and decided then and there “I want to help George Lucas make movies.” Not much later, Jim Blinn created an amazing animation of the…
Tell us a bit about yourself – how did you get your start in visual effects and/or animation? I started programming because I wanted to write video games. I tended to find myself writing game engines rather than actual games, however. During my co-op terms at University, I first worked…
Tell us a bit about yourself – how did you get your start in visual effects and/or animation? I had a hobby interest in visual effects and photography after seeing Star Wars in 1977. In particular, this 1980 TV special was transformative for me. I recorded it (VHS!) and probably…
Tell us a bit about yourself – how did you get your start in visual effects and/or animation? It’s a long and twisted storyline, but I’ll try to give a short version. My background is computationally physics and chemistry (PhD in quantum dynamics), so it’s safe to say I had…